I have a variety of content for you here. My podcast, YouTube channel, ebooks, and more illustrate what I have created, and can also be useful educational tools. Give them a try, let me know what you think, and feel free to leave suggestions for what you would like to see more of.


Calling all cars! Calling all cars! Be on the lookout for awesome podcast content about technology! This podcast is known to many as "The Cache-All Podcast". If you come across this podcast, we urge you to approach with caution, as it is very addicting and you may not be able to turn it off.

The Cache-All Podcast is the start of a passion project of mine. Each episode features a technology-related topic. This includes digital design, best practices, software reviews, events, gaming, hardware announcements, emerging tech, instructional design, and much more. I have some exciting ideas for guest hosts. If you have any ideas for future episodes or are interested in being a guest host, let me know!

Cache-All Podcast Logo

The Cache-All Podcast can currently be listened to at the following links:

Like and subscribe if you want!


I love making videos. I create video content for stories and provide tutorials for digital design, coding, gaming, and more.

Retakes for mastery?! It shouldn't matter if it takes one, ten, or a hundred tries. Mario shows us how retakes (and learning from mistakes) can lead to mastery.

Blog: I don't update my blog near as much as I should, but I do have a Medium page for a blog that I enjoy posting to when I get the time. I also have a Medium account if you are interested in reading any of my stories or articles published there. These include technology-related works as well as other topics from social media, branding, marketing, stories, and more.


I asked my social media community across all platforms to share ideas for songs that help them work on creative projects. They did not disappoint! I assembled this into one Spotify Playlist! I don't know if it's the music that inspires me, or the fact it is music that inspires some of the most creative people I have ever known. Give it a listen!